3D visualizations

What does a 3D visualization cost and which billing models make sense? Is a 3D visualization subscription The best choice for your project? We answer these and other questions in this comprehensive guide. Learn more about the benefits, areas of application, and our detailed 3D visualization process.

Table of contents

How much do 3D visualizations cost for your real estate project?

In a free initial consultation, you will find out whether a 3D visualization subscription is worthwhile for you and how much it costs.

Introduction to 3D visualizations

What are 3D visualizations?

3D visualizations are digital representations of objects, rooms or buildings in three dimensions. These models provide a realistic presentation that significantly improves the understanding and perception of projects. Thanks to modern software, detailed and photorealistic images can be created that go far beyond simple 2D drawings.

Why are 3D visualizations important?

3D visualizations play a decisive role in the real estate and architecture sectors. They offer numerous benefits that help you successfully present and market your projects:

Realistic presentation

3D visualizations play a decisive role in the real estate and architecture sectors. They offer numerous benefits that help you successfully present and market your projects.

Improved communication

Complex design concepts and ideas can be presented clearly and comprehensibly through 3D visualizations. This significantly improves communication between architects, builders and customers and ensures a common understanding of the project.

Efficient decision making

By being able to visually compare different design options, well-founded decisions can be made faster and more efficiently. This not only saves time but also prevents costly mistakes during the construction phase.

Time and cost savings

Early detection and correction of errors in the design process contribute significantly to time and cost savings. 3D visualizations make it possible to identify and fix problems right from the planning phase before they lead to expensive construction errors.

Marketing advantage

Attractive and detailed 3D visualizations are an effective marketing tool. They help to present your real estate projects in an appealing way and increase the chances of a successful sale or rental. With impressive visualizations, you can set yourself apart from the competition and win over potential customers.

Flexibility and adaptability

3D visualizations offer a high level of flexibility and adaptability. Design changes can be implemented quickly and easily without the need for expensive and time-consuming adjustments to physical models. This enables dynamic and agile planning and presentation of your projects.

Virtual tours

With 3D visualizations, you can offer virtual tours of your properties. Potential buyers or tenants can easily explore the property from home, which is a huge advantage, particularly in today's digital world. Virtual tours offer an immersive experience and increase the appeal of your offerings.

Benefits of 3D visualizations

Improved presentation and visualization

High-quality presentation

3D visualizations provide a detailed and realistic presentation of real estate projects. In contrast to traditional 2D drawings, they enable potential buyers and investors to view the finished property from different perspectives and get a clear picture of the property.


A real estate developer can use 3D visualizations to present various façade options of a building. These realistic representations help investors make an informed decision as they can see exactly what the end result will look like.

Better visualization of complex projects

Complex real estate projects, such as large residential complexes or mixed-use buildings, can be presented much more easily and comprehensibly through 3D visualizations. This makes it possible to illustrate the various elements of the project and provide potential buyers or investors with comprehensive information.

Advantage: With 3D visualizations, you can present all aspects of a complex project in a clear and understandable way, which increases investor trust and interest.

Improving customer loyalty

By using 3D visualizations, potential buyers and investors can be more involved in the project. Being able to see and compare different design elements creates a deeper connection and increases the likelihood of a sale.


A property developer uses interactive 3D visualizations to enable potential buyers to select and customize various interior designs. This increases buyer satisfaction and ties them more closely to the project.

Time and cost efficiency

3D visualizations can significantly contribute to the time and cost efficiency of a project. By identifying and correcting design errors at an early stage, costly rework can be avoided. In addition, the detailed visualization enables more precise planning and execution.

Market data:

Studies show that the use of 3D visualizations can reduce planning and construction costs by up to 15%, as changes and adjustments can be made early on.

Strengthening marketing strategy

Attractive and detailed 3D renderings are an effective marketing tool. They help to present real estate projects in an appealing way and increase the chances of a successful sale or rental. High-quality visualizations attract the attention of potential buyers and leave a lasting impression.

Tip: Integrate 3D visualizations into your marketing campaigns to make your real estate projects more attractive and reach more potential customers.

Integration into digital platforms

3D visualizations can be seamlessly integrated into various digital platforms, whether on your website, on social media, or in specialized real estate portals. This increases the reach of your projects and makes it easier for potential buyers to find and explore your offerings.

Market data:

Real estate offers with 3D visualizations receive up to 50% more inquiries than those without visual support. The increased interactivity and informational content make these offers more attractive to potential buyers.

Applications for 3D visualizations

Real estate projects

Residential and single-family homes

3D visualizations play a crucial role in residential construction and single-family homes. They offer potential buyers a clear idea of what their future home will look like. This helps not only to promote sales, but also to plan and design the rooms according to the wishes of customers.


With 3D visualizations, a property developer can present various layouts and equipment variants of a residential building. This allows potential buyers to see how different materials and colors change the appearance of their future home.

Commercial real estate

3D visualizations are particularly valuable when developing commercial properties. They provide a precise presentation of office buildings, shopping centers or industrial facilities and help to convince investors and tenants.

advantage: With 3D visualizations, you can clearly present the functionality and design of your commercial properties, which makes decision-making easier for investors and tenants.

Architecture and construction

Design and planning phase

In architectural and construction planning, 3D visualizations provide a detailed presentation of designs and plans. They enable architects and engineers to realistically present their visions and identify and fix potential design problems at an early stage.

Construction progress and monitoring

3D visualizations can also be used during construction to monitor and document progress. This facilitates communication between the various parties involved in construction and ensures that everyone involved is on the same page.

Market data:

Studies show that the use of 3D visualizations during the construction phase can reduce the error rate by up to 25%, as design errors are identified and corrected at an early stage.

Interior design and design

Interior design and furnishing

3D visualizations are a powerful tool for interior designers and designers. They enable a realistic representation of interiors and help customers to better imagine the finished design. This is particularly useful when choosing materials, furniture and colors.


An interior designer creates a 3D visualization of a living room to present various furniture arrangements and color palettes. This helps the customer make the best choice for their space and ensure that the end result meets their expectations.

Individualized solutions

Through 3D visualizations, interior designers can offer tailor-made solutions that are precisely tailored to the needs and wishes of their customers. This increases customer satisfaction and contributes to the successful implementation of design projects.

Tip: Use 3D visualizations to test various design options and give your customers a precise idea of the finished space.

Urban planning and public projects

Urban design and infrastructure projects

3D visualizations are an indispensable tool in urban planning and public infrastructure projects. They provide a comprehensive presentation of urban areas and help to visualize the impact of construction projects on the surrounding area.


An urban planner uses 3D visualizations to present the planned redesign of a neighborhood. This enables citizens to better understand the changes and gives those responsible the opportunity to obtain feedback and make adjustments if necessary.

Public participation

3D visualizations promote public participation in planning processes. They make it easier to explain complex projects to the public and get their support.

Market data:

Surveys show that citizens react significantly more positively to urban construction projects when they are made understandable with the help of 3D visualizations.

Marketing and sales

Virtual tours and presentations

In marketing and sales, 3D visualizations are an effective way to present real estate projects attractively. Virtual tours and interactive presentations provide potential buyers with an immersive experience that helps them make an informed decision.


A real estate agent offers virtual tours of various apartments in a new building. Potential buyers can view the apartments from the comfort of their own home, which makes their purchase decision easier and speeds up the sales process.

Preparation of marketing materials

3D visualizations can be used in various marketing materials, from pamphlets via websites through to social media campaigns. They increase the attractiveness of your offers and help you reach a larger target group.

Tip: Integrate 3D visualizations with your online marketing strategies to increase the visibility of your real estate projects and attract more potential customers.

Our 3D visualization process

Step 1: Concept development and briefing

Project discussion and goal definition

The first step in our 3D visualization process consists of a detailed briefing, during which we discuss your vision, goals, and requirements in detail. In doing so, we collect all relevant information about your project, including architectural plans, sketches, material specifications and design specifications.

Document collection and analysis

We collect all necessary documents and data, such as floor plans, building plans, photos and material samples. This documentation is analysed to ensure that we can build an accurate and realistic model.

Tip: Make sure you provide all necessary documents and information to ensure that the visualization process runs smoothly.

Step 2: Create the 3D model

Detailed 3D modeling

Once the concept is defined, we start creating the 3D model. Our experienced designers and architects use advanced software to create a detailed and accurate model of your property. This includes the exterior architecture, the interiors, and the surrounding area.

Texturing and material adjustment

After the basic model is built, we add textures and materials to make the model even more realistic. In doing so, we take into account your specific requirements for colors, materials and surfaces.

advantage: Thanks to the precise texturing and material adjustment, the 3D model looks particularly realistic and appealing.

Step 3: Lighting and Rendering

Setting up the lighting

The next step is to set up the lighting to optimally stage the model. We simulate various light sources, both natural and artificial, to create realistic shadows and highlights.


When visualizing a living room, the lighting is set up in such a way that both daylight through the windows and artificial lighting through lamps are realistically represented. This contributes significantly to the authenticity of the presentation.

Rendering the model

The model is then rendered to generate high-resolution images. The rendering process involves calculating all light sources, shadows, and reflections to produce a photorealistic final image.

Tip: Rendering is a computationally intensive process that takes time. Accurate planning and preparation can help to minimize time spent while still achieving impressive results.

Step 4: Post-production and finalization

Image editing and fine-tuning

After rendering, post-production takes place, which further refines and optimizes the rendered images. We adjust colors, correct discrepancies, and add additional effects as needed to perfectly round off the image.


When visualizing a garden, post-production makes the colors of the plants more intense and additional details such as birds or butterflies are added to make the image more vivid.

Integrate customer feedback

Throughout the post-production phase, we work closely with you and integrate your feedback to ensure that the final product meets your expectations. We'll make adjustments and refine the image until you're completely satisfied.

Step 5: Presentation and Delivery

Provision of final visualizations

After completion of post-production and final approval by you, we deliver the finished 3D visualizations in the desired formats. You can use these high-resolution images for various purposes, such as marketing materials, presentations, or online ads.

Application support

We also offer you support in the optimal use and integration of 3D visualizations into your marketing strategies. Our team is available to ensure that you can utilize the full potential of visualizations.

Tip: Use 3D visualizations in various media to reach a broad target group and increase interest in your real estate project.

3D visualization subscription

Introduction to the 3D visualization subscription

Unser 3D visualization subscription is the perfect solution for real estate developers and agents who regularly need high-quality 3D visualizations. With this subscription model, you benefit from continuous support, flexible adjustments, and cost efficiency without the need to build up internal resources.

Benefits of the 3D visualization subscription

Cost efficiency

With our 3D visualization subscription, you save significant costs compared to hiring an internal 3D visualizer. The annual costs for a full-time 3D visualizer at senior level can amount to over CHF 100,000 plus additional services. With our subscription model, you only pay for the visualizations you actually need.


A real estate developer can use the subscription flexibly and thus pause or resume visualizations as required. This avoids unnecessary spending and ensures that the budget is used optimally.

Flexibility and scalability

Our subscription model gives you the flexibility to scale your package based on project requirements. Whether you need a visualization for a small project or extensive presentations for a large project — we adapt our offer to your needs.

Tip: Use the flexibility of the subscription to react to market developments and adapt your visualization requirements accordingly.

Continuous support

With the 3D visualization subscription, you have access to our team of experts who will help you with all your projects. We provide continuous advice and adjustments to ensure that your visualizations are always up to date and of the highest quality.

Predictability and security

The subscription model gives you predictability and security for your marketing budgets. With fixed monthly costs, you can calculate your expenses precisely and avoid unexpected additional costs.

Tip: Fixed monthly costs make budget planning easier and offer financial security for your marketing measures.

3D visualization subscription services

Regular visualizations

As part of the subscription, you'll receive regularly updated 3D visualizations that keep your projects up to date. This includes both new projects and updates to existing visualizations.

Interactive content

In addition to static 3D images, we also offer interactive content such as virtual tours and animations. These expand your presentation options and offer potential customers an immersive experience.

Personalized service

Each customer receives a personal contact person who takes care of all issues relating to 3D visualizations. This ensures smooth communication and individual support.

Our prices

Individual prices for renderings

Our 3D renderings offer you a realistic and detailed presentation of your real estate projects. Prices vary depending on the complexity and scope of the project. If you order multiple renderings, we offer tiered discounts.

  • Single rendering: starting at CHF 1,050
  • Discount for multiple renderings:
    • 5-10 renderings: starting at CHF 850 per render
    • More than 10 renderings: starting at CHF 750 per render

Package prices

For more extensive projects and larger requirements, we offer special package prices. These packages are ideal for real estate developers and agents who need multiple visualizations and want to benefit from additional services.

  • Basic package: starting at CHF 7,500
    • Includes 5 renderings
    • 1x virtual tour with 2-3 room apartment
    • Floor plan design
  • Standard package: starting from CHF 10,000
    ‍• Includes 15 renderings
    • 1x virtual tour with 4-5 room apartment
    • Floor plan design
    • Inclusion in marketing materials
  • Standard package: starting from CHF 20,000
    • Includes 30 renderings
    • 1x virtual tour with 6 room apartment
    • Floor plan design
    • Inclusion in marketing materials
    • Interactive 3D models

3D visualization subscription

Unser 3D visualization subscription offers you continuous support and flexibility at a fixed monthly cost. Ideal for companies that regularly need new visualizations and want to manage costs efficiently.

  • Memebership monthly subscription standard: CHF 8,995 per month
  • Memebership Pro monthly subscription: CHF 12,995 per month